Uses : Sealer for absorbent wooden materials to provide a smooth even surface upon light sanding Features : Excellent sanding propertiesGood penetration into wooden substrates including cane
Transparent finishHeat resistance and fire retardanceExcellent applicability Colour : Light brown and translucent when wet but form clear colourless coat on drying Technical Data : Packaging :Two
packs- Base : 4 Litres, 16 LitresHardner : 1 Litre, 4 LitresMixing Ration :Base : Hardener = 2:1 volumePot Life : 3 hours at 30oCSpecific Gravity : 0.93 ?1.03Flash Point : 23oC Application Data :
Application Method : Brush or SprayThinner : AT188 ThinnerThinning Ratio: Brush : 10 ?20% by weightSpray : 20 ?50% by weightSpreading Rate : 6.0 ?8.0 m2/ltr/coatDry Film Thickness : 30
microns/coatDrying Time : Dust Free : 6 - 7 minutes at 30oCHard Dry : 4 hours at 30oCSanding Time : 25 ?30 minutes at 30oCOvercoating Interval : After sanding lightly Painting Specification : Apply
a thin coat giving a dry film thickness (DFT) of about 20-30 microns at a time. Do not attempt to build too thick a coat in one operation.Sand lightly so as not to remove coating and expose
substrate. If such situation happens, apply another thin coat of sealer to cover it. It is very important that only recommended thinner is used for dilution.Sealer : 1 - 2 coats of APILAC?PU
Sanding SealerTopcoat : 1 - 2 coats of APILAC?PU Lacquer Clear
Two packs polyurethane based on polyol resin and polyisocynanate resin with suitable sanding agent