Throughout history rice has been one of man's most important foods. Today, this unique grain helps sustain two- thirds of the world's population. Archeological evidence suggests that rice has been
feeding mankind for more than 5,000 years. Today, agriculture is the backbone of Indias economy, providing direct employment to about 70% of working people in the country. It forms the basis of
many premier industries of India, including the textile, jute, and sugar industries. Agriculture contributes about 31% to GDP; about 25% of India's exports are agricultural products.
Basmati Rice is a non-glutinous rice that has been cultivated at the foot of the Himalayan mountain ranges in India for thousands of years. The rivers Yamuna and Sutluj irrigate the Basmati paddy
fields in Haryana and Punjab respectively. Basmati is an aromatic, fragrant, long grain, slender rice, and has a nutty flavor. 'Basmati', when literally translated from Hindi, means queen of
fragrance. It is the worlds best rice one can use for cooking and has been exported all around the world for centuries. Many of the traditional rice dishes in the Arab countries are cooked with
long grained Basmati rice imported from India. To obtain the correct aroma and flavor of Basmati rice, proper ageing is required to reduce its moisture content.