Uses : Clear finishing or where an extremely durable finish is required Features : * Tough film* Excellent chemical resistance* Excellent durability Technical Data : Packing : 5 litres set Mixing
Ratio: Base : Hardener = 2:1 by volume Pot Life: 4 hours at 30oC Specific Gravity: 0.90 1.00 Flash Point: 4oC Application Data : Application Method : Brush, roller or spray Thinner : AT 188 Thinner
Thinning Ratio : 50 80% by volume Spreading Rate : 10 m2/ltr/coat Dry Film Thickness : 25 - 30 microns/coat Drying Time : Touch Free : 13 minutes at 30oC Touch Dry : 60 minutes at 30oC Stocking:
After 24 hours at 30oC Polishing: After 48 hours at 30oC Painting Specification : Surface Preparation : Remove oil, grease and foreign matters before coating. If necessary, prepare by sanding to
establish a smooth clean surface. Sealer: 1-2 coats of "APILAC" PU Sandling Sealer Topcoat: 1-2 coats of "APILAC" PU Lacquer Clear
Two components polyurethane clear based on polyol resin and polyisocynanate resin