Many other additional benefits would arise from this technology: Theperfect shade could be achieved to match clothing or accessories usingthe eye-dropper computer tool. A live camera feed or
digital imagecould capture desired color capture on a computer screen. Images couldbe made to be symmetrical and perfect using various computer tools,make perfect hearts, stars, or other
Images could be resized and centered perfectly before application. Nomore running out of room on one side as you paint designs. forget thosecrooked water transfer designs! Cropping and zooming in
out of imagescould be used to create coordinating nails with themes. For example,imagine a photo of a sunset you'd like to use. On nail might just havethe sun on it, another a plam tree, yet
another the entire sunsetimages.
Many other additional benefits would arise from this technology: The perfect shade could be achieved to match clothing or access