Tammy's Special For You: 1/2 oz. Tammy Taylor Z-Coat 1/2 oz. Tammy Taylor Super Dry Top Coat 1/2 oz. Tammy Taylor Diamond Finish Top Coat 1/2 oz. Tammy Taylor Nail Hardener 1/2 oz. Tammy Taylor Milky Base Coat with Calcium 1/2 oz. Tammy Taylor Ridgefiller
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Tammy's Special For You $10 OFF any $49.95
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ONLY $6.95 each; save up to 40%
1/2 oz. Tammy Taylor Nail Hardener
1/2 oz. Tammy Taylor Milky Base Coat with Calcium and
1/2 oz. Tammy Taylor Ridgefiller
Get Yours Today
Choose as many as you like, this Special is for a short time only:
1/2 oz. Tammy Taylor Z-Coat
1/2 oz. Tammy Taylor Super Dry Top Coat
1/2 oz. Tammy Taylor Diamond Finish Top Coat
To make your polish last longer and stay shiny: Apply a fresh coat of Tammy Taylor Top Coat every 2-3 days.
To lean?polish off skin:
Pour the Tammy Taylor Conditioning Polish Remover into a small dish; then dip your brush into the remover; and then clean wherever the polish has gotten onto the skin.?br />
"Using your Tammy Taylor Conditioning Polish Remover and a Tammy Taylor 3D nail Art Sable nail brush, you can clean off all the polish you might have gotten onto the skin while doing manicures and
pedicures, Lickety Split.?This is a trick I have been doing for over 20 years."
IMPORTANT - make sure to ?strong>Cap?/strong> off the free-edge with all 4 COATS.
Finish with 1 COAT of Tammy Taylor Top Coat
2 COATS of Tammy Taylor Nail Colour
1 COAT of Tammy Taylor Base Coat
Use plenty of polish on your polish brush; getting a ball of polish at the tip of your brush and placing this ball near the cuticle area; stroking the polish out in 3 LONG STROKES towards the
free-edge, (never use short strokes or a dry polish brush). It is better to use too much polish on your brush than not enough.
How to help stop polish from chipping: ?
Apply 4 COATS of Polish in all.
Helps extend the life of your manicure.
How to make nail polish smooth not streaky:
Dries Fast.
Helps keep color polish from staining natural fingernails and acrylic nails.
Makes your Manicures and Pedicures smooth as Satin.
GREAT Base Coat for toenails, before polishing and for polish changes on acrylic nails between fills.
Natural opaque Pink color can be used alone for a natural smooth look.
For Fingernails with Ridges or surface unevenness.
Tammy Taylor idgefiller?makes your nails smooth as satin.?This high tack adhesion Ridgefiller also extends the life of your manicures, and keeps acrylic and natural fingernails from staining, due to color polish.?Ideal for use on toenails before polishing, and for polish changes on acrylic nails between fills.
Helps prevent staining from color polish.
Ridgefiller Base Coat for Natural Fingernails, Acrylic Nails and all Artificial Nails
Creates a better adhesion for a longer lasting manicure.
Strengthens Natural fingernails without brittleness or dryness.
Milky Base Coat with Calcium:
Tammy Taylor ilky Base Coat with calcium?strengthens natural fingernails, without making nails dry and brittle.?Superior adhesion to natural fingernails; helps provide longer lasting manicures.?Milky Base Coat dries in 30 seconds: A perfect base coat for natural fingernails and artificial nails.?Also, helps polish dry faster from the bottom up.
Milky Base Coat with Calcium for Natural Fingernails
Dries Fast
Choose your Tammy Taylor ase Coat?
(the foundation of polishing) to create the bond on the nail and to help protect it:
Use as a Top Coat every 3 Days to extend the life of Manicures, and to keep natural fingernails HARD; not weak and flimsy.
Use as a Base Coat to help polish adhere better and to strengthen the natural fingernails.
Helps Nail-biters stop biting their nails.
Smooth Easy Coverage and glossy finish.
Tammy Taylor ail Hardener?Base Coat & Top Coat in one; helps those plagued with the nail-biting habit, or have naturally weak or thin fingernails.?Just brush on Nail Hardener every 3 days for
longer, thicker, harder & healthy looking natural fingernails.
Perfect for Light Colored Polish and French Manicures on Natural Nails
Clear Top Coat with a blue ultra violet ray inhibitor making Natural Nails look whiter and brighter
For Yellow Natural Nails
Smoothes out Bubbles and Streaks, Creating a Flawless Manicure and Pedicure.
Diamond Finish is a Super Shiny, Hard Finish, Clear Top Coat for Natural Fingernails only
Use between Manicures to Keep Polish Fresh and Shiny
Great for Pedicures and Manicures
No Light Needed To Cure
Fantastic for those who like to change or apply polish, often
Smoothes out Bubbles and Streaks, Creating a Flawless Manicure and Pedicure.
Super Dry Top Coat dries Shiny within Seconds on Natural Fingernails, Acrylic Nails and all Artificial Nails
Highest Gloss Top Coat Ever?
Does Not Yellow
Extend the life of your manicures
Protect Your Coat?on Acrylic Nails
Keep Your French Manicures from Yellowing on Natural Nails.
Keep Your Reds, Red and Your Deep Colored Nail Polish from Fading
Tammy Taylor "Z-Coat"?is a Z-Rific Top Coat for use on Natural Fingernails, Acrylic Nails and all Artificial Nails
Choose Your Tammy Taylor op Coat?to Give a Shiny, Smooth, Luster to Your Nails:
All Top Coats are not created equal.?Your TOP COAT is the HIGH GLOSS SHINE that you want to finish with, to protect the polish and keep it shiny.?Your TOP COAT is also used in between Nail Services to keep Nails Shiny and lustrous. ?strong>
Most might think a BASE COAT is a BASE COAT; but that is not true; your BASE COAT is the FOUNDATION of polishing.?The BASE COAT is what adheres to the natural fingernail or the artificial nail, to create the bond on the nail and to help protect it.
"Determine which BASE COAT and TOP COAT is correct, before you start polishing, and you will love the results.
How to Choose the orrect?BASE COATS and
TOP COATS, for Different Types of Nails.
Choose the "Top Coat" and "Base Coat" that is Right For You with these easy to follow descriptions.
Choose from Z-Coat, Super Dry Top Coat, Diamond Finish Top Coat, Nail Hardener, Milky Base Coat with Calcium and Ridgefiller.
Do You Ever Get Confused on which "Top Coat" and which "Base Coat" is Right For Your Nails?
Tammy Taylor Top Coats & Base Coats
* Top Coats & Base Coats
PRICE: $6.95