This is a simple and reliable device that capture alarm text at its serial port and send SMS to predefined mobile phones. Systems such as SCADA, PLC or PC based applications that generate alarm
texts over its serial port can be captured. Up to 3 message identifiers are provided. Messages that match any of the 3 message identifiers will be captured and send as SMS.The setup is very simple
using AT command. User just need to 1) define the serial setting, 2) what message identifier ( no message identifier configured is acceptable. It only means that any message at its serial port will
be captured and send as SMS) and 3) Predefined mobile numbers to receive the message. The device can be used in conjunction with a serial splitter to parallel the text from the printer ( see
application case 2 ). User can configure the capture only specific type of alarm text ( example system fault text ) to be send to maintenance person. . Order Information
This is a simple and reliable device that capture alarm text at its serial port and send SMS to predefined mobile phones.