Most all modern radiation detector and meter units available were designed for 'peace time' low-level radiation use and would not detect the higher, more dangerous, levels associated with nuclear emergencies. While they might be adequate for measuring natural background radiation levels and above to a point, most would 'max out' well before the radiation levels approached anything near life-threatening.
Everybody will have different opinions about which of the above nuclear threats is most likely to occur or impact their own family sometime in the future. Regardless, though, in all cases, knowing exactly what the radioactivity is, where you are standing, will always make for better informed decisions in then taking the correct protective action to minimize any future radiation exposure for your family.
Nuclear terrorism here via...
Lost or stolen radioactive sources (Over the last 50 years, incidents of lost or stolen licensed radioactive devices occur at the rate of once every other day. See Lost and Stolen Nuclear Materials in the U.S. and NRC Documents Revealing Thousands of Radioactive Source Are Missing.)
Improper storage of radioactive materials (non-waste) at any point during their normal material life cycle. (Power plants, Medical, Industrial, Academic, etc.)
Accidents involving non-waste, but normal daily nuclear materials transport (trucks, planes, trains, couriers) One out every 50 HazMat shipments contain radioactive materials. Approximately three million packages of radioactive material are shipped in the United States each year.
Q: Who Needs a Radiation Detector or Meter?
A: The reasons for acquiring a radiation detector or meter, and formulating a family nuclear response strategy, are as varied as are peoples concerns for the future and the safety of their loved
ones in this ever changing world. The following all-inclusive list would require different responses (sheltering or evacuation) depending on the nature of the nuclear emergency, but clearly
survival in all would be enhanced with having a radiation detector or meter close at hand.
The specific causes of potential life-threatening nuclear radiation emergencies include...
"The current Washington status symbol is not a congressional parking pass but a $160 NukAlert radiation detector key fob that looks like a garage door opener but beeps like a Geiger counter when background radiation levels become dangerous." - SALT LAKE TRIBUNE (3/21/03)
"This is the most remarkable advance in civil defense equipment in many, many years. These are truly great devices." - Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, Director of Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, Publisher of 'Nuclear War Survival Skills' book, Co-Author of the Civil Defense book 'Fighting Chance' which sold over 500,000 copies.
With the anticipated general public angst, perhaps even panic, accompanying any future developing nuclear emergency, it will also be very reassuring to know with confidence when, for your locale, that your family is out of the worst danger, too.
Carried everywhere your keys go, with NukAlert's 24/7 constant monitoring, you'll always be promptly alerted to the unseen, but acutely dangerous, levels of radiation if/when present.
A benefit of the NukAlert, not to be overlooked, is that it will also confirm when and where those higher levels of radiation are not present, too.
Low-range Geiger counter type meters, like the CD V-700, Gamma Scout, and the Rad Scanner, would be helpful if decontamination was required later, and we even offer them here, but without a higher-range detector first, and initially, warning you away from exposure to those higher levels of potentially lethal radiation, the opportunity to later even use a low-range meter may never come!
What makes this a great product is that it chirps telling you what level of radiation you are in. And, It reads very HIGH levels of radiation that you will easily find after a nuclear incident. No other meter can do what this unit does. A very wise choice, highly recommended.
Please read the NukeAlert manual. It will tell you how to easily survive a nuclear event. Many people mistakenly believe that no one is able to survive a nuclear event - MYTH.
Please read the NukeAlert manual. It will tell you how to easily survive a nuclear event.
Please read the NukeAlert manual. It will tell you how to easily survive a nuclear event. |