Stay Protected From Intruders
A quality burglar alarm system combined with monitoring is the right choice for both homeowners and business owners. The peace of mind of knowing that your home is protected from burglars is
something beyond value. Make sure your family is safe today by installing a burglar alarm system from Hooks Burglar and Fire Alarm Company.
Card Access is a great way to secure your building.
A card access system from Hooks Alarm is a perfect solution for securing your building when you have a lot of employees. Card Access means that you do not have to make duplicate keys for each
employee. You no longer have to change locks. When an employee leaves, merely disable their access card and they cannot enter the premises. Card access also allows you to monitor traffic at all
hours. The system records when a card is used and keeps track of each entrance. Should there be a problem in the building, the system can tell you who had entered.