AV-2088D, Expandable 8 Zone Alarm Panel
Eight Double Zone + 1 Panic Zone 8 or 16 zone, up to32 zone with expander type AV-208 Generation III type Supplied in ABS box (optional metal box) Remote DTMF for Arming and Home automation from any telephone High Speed Communicator for All Formats Dialer with Follow-Me Remote Up and Download with Universal 56K Modem orRS-232 Adapter type AV-232 Accepts voice module type SVM-40 and AV-232 for local up and download TBR-21 and Austel Approved Austel version available 4-Wires Digital Keypad: AV-701TS, AV-701TI, AV-701TP, AV-702 |
Alarm Panels
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Alarm Panels You are in -> AV-2088D, Expandable 8 Zone Alarm Panel |