Portable Dry Leak DetectorASM 122D --------------------------------------------------------------------------------The innovative concept of the ASM 122 D makes it the ideal portable dry leak
detector to meet any maintenance needs for clean applications.It is recommended for a wide range of applications: ?Leak testing vacuum systems in the semiconductor industry?Leak testing components
(valves, filters, ...)?Maintenance of system chambers in the research and developmentslaboratories (beam lines, vacuum systems, etc.)?Clean environment operation (aerospace industry,
instrumentation, medical and pharmaceutical industry, food industry, ...) EASY TO MOVEThe ASM 122 D is a self-contained unit integrated to a cart with a minimal footprint and exceptional
manoeuvrability. POWERFULThe ASM 122 D offers unmatched performance in all test modes: > Sniffing mode: The new auto-zero function ("floating-zero" method) delivers the ability to measure leaks
as small as 1.107 mbar.l/s.> Inboard testing mode: ?The 4 1/s (240 1/min.) helium pumping speed and the compression ratio of its high vacuum pumps provide ultra-fast response and recovery
time.?Sensitivity of 5.10'2 mbar.l/s. EASY TO USEA very comprehensive display control panel, with direct access to integrated functions, makes this unit easy to operate for any end-user. A modern
and user-friendly interfacewhich meets every user profile Operation?Rugged remote control: very easy to use and easy to hold. The helium signal is displayed in two different ways : dynamic
green/red bargraph to highlight the fast evolution of the signal and digitaldisplay to get a high resolution and a direct readout.?Variable pitch audio alarm proportional to the helium signal
amplitude for easy location of leaks in complex systems. Settings and maintenance?Comprehensive display panel:indicates the user mode, settings,maintenance information(preventive and
correctivemaintenance), all of which ispassword-protected. Easy-to-use and effective integrated functionsAuto-calibration?Auto-calibration with built-in temperature compensated calibrated
leak.?Auto-calibration during the start-up sequence and the ability to activate periodic auto-calibration.?All pertinent information related to the auto-calibration process and its settings.Signal
correction?Automatic correction processed bythe detector through an externalcalibration.?Possibility to manually adjust thecorrection factor (for direct readoutof the helium signal regardless ofthe
leak rate unit). Auto-zero ?The auto-zero function is an advanced feature which allows the operator to conveniently improve the sensitivity of the detector when the helium signalmeasurement becomes
more difficult due to a high background level.?The auto-zero function is even more helpful in sniffing mode, for suppressing the background signal due to the residual helium in the air (5 PPM)
enhancing the sensitivity up to 1.107 mbar.l/s.?The principle of the function is to subtract the background'in order to focus on the helium signal. The new method developed by Alcatel is based on a
specific algorithm ("floating zero" method) which eliminates the display of erroneous results and guarantee to detect any size leaks.All these functions are directly accessible by depressing one
single key switch.