This instrument is designed specifically for testing the output voltages of any make of DC Holiday Testers (DC Spark Testers, Jeep Testers). Can also be used to measure the voltage on High Voltage
DC Power Supplies.The output voltages of Holiday Testers can be affected by many items like weather conditions, dirt grease contamination of electrodes, breakages of cable to handle, poor
grounding, out of calibration period etc.By using the Powdatest DC High Voltage Meter the output voltage of any DC Holiday Tester can be quickly and accurately measured. This meter is small,
lightweight, rugged and can be used quickly and easily by field / site personnel to check the voltages during operation. As the above picture shows, the Powdatest DC High Voltage Meter has a clear
digital display and is backlit to allow measurements to be easily seen even in low light locations.