GSM Remote Camera is a GSM / GPRS enabled VGA camera that can take pictures on demand or on activation of external events. It is equipped with multiple I/ O expansion and can be easily interfaced
to external equipment and can also be expanded with audio hardware to allow remote listening. The Remote Camera can be located anywhere in the world with GSM coverage and you can sit at your PC,
call the camera and take pictures directly to your desktop. You can also command the Remote Camera to contact you via SMS, email or directly to your PC when any of it's sensors are activated. The
camera can email a picture as an attachment, send it to your website or you can have it online to your
Server and take pictures as required. The pictures it delivers are colour images with selectable resolution from 80x60 to 640x480 pixels. The Remote Camera is typically powered from a mains adaptor
but also has it's own backup battery that powers it in the event of mains failure.
If you use the RS485 version of the VGA camera then you can connect multiple cameras
To a single GSM / GPRS controller. A single broadcast command can request all cameras To take a picture at the same time.
GSM Remote Camera is a GSM / GPRS enabled VGA camera that can take pictures on demand or on activati
gsm alarm
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