Spectra SP's user-friendliness and unique feature set make it the best security system in its class.
Go with simpler and safer living. The revolutionary StayD feature represents a completely reversed philosophy that resolves all issues with any security system mode today. A StayD
system is always armed and only partly disarmed when entering or existing a site, which is the opposite of a common security system that's always disarmed and needs to be armed
provide protection.
Cell Phone Notification
Go cellular. In the case of an emergency your system will immediately contact you on up to 5 different telephone numbers. Use your phone to arm and disarm your system, open a garage
door, turn on your lights and even verify your system status.
Internet Access
Go high-tech and recieve notifications by e-mail. For example, get a message as soon as your kids get home from school. Also, arm/disarm and monitor your security system through a web
browser from anywhere in the world.
Remote and Wireless Convenience
With one-touch, remote control conveniece, using using your security sytem has never been simpler. Disarm your system with one button, arm it with another, or send a panic signal to
your monitoring station.
Three Arming Levels
Spectra SP protects your home, but more importantly, Spectra SP protects you. Get three different levels of security: