Backlit liquid crystal display 2 lines of 40 characters. 1,2 or 4 loops each with 191 address capacity. Total panel capacity is restricted to 512 Input addresses to comply with EN 54 part 2.
Algo-Tec 6000 Protocol. 32 Zone LED's plus twin red common fire indicators. 3Amp BC Switch mode. 10 ampere-hour 24V sealed lead acid. 4 Monitored - Internal sounder circuits (1A rated @ 24V).
Maximum 3A with integral power supply unit. Fully fault monitored to EN 54 Part 2 1998. up to 32 panels/repeaters to be networked . ( 2 wire loop). 40 character low noise thermal printer. First 32
have an independent programmable time-out delay. Dimensions : 440 x 685 x 144 mm. Manufactured to meet EN 54 - 2 & 4.