Features: 1. Multi-band (900MHz, 1800MHz, 1900MHz) 2. GSM cell phone carrier3. Friendly human voice instruction4. Arm / disarm by phone, and remote control5. Two-stage shock alarm modes6. False
alarm trigger prevention7. Will call up 3 alarm phone numbers when there is an alarm. 8. Anti-hijacking9. Override switch10 Sensitivity of shock sensor adjustable11. Checking system status by
telephone12 Status LED indicator13. Trigger alarming (opening the door and engine start) 14. Shocking alarming15. Power off alarming16. Bonnet open alarming17. Alarm memory recall18. Parking
reminder19. Remote trunk release20. Automatic central locking system21. Power speaker22. Power window output23. Remote sound monitoring24. Compatible with any cars25. GSM car locating and seeking
(optional & extra cost) Function: REMOTE1. Arm / disarm2. Lock / unlock3. Searching4. Trunk release5. Emergency help6. Enable / disable shock sensor (optional) 7. Disable siren temporaryPHONE: 1.
Arm / disarm2. Lock / unlock3. Enable / disable shock sensor4. Activate / deactivate alarm phone numbers5. Activate / deactivate immobilizer6. Check car status7. Broadcast to the driver8. Listen in
the carTechnical Specification: Voltage: 12VWorking temperature: -20degree + 65degreeControl distance: 20m-100mSize of mainframe: 134mm*120mm*34mm
car alarm
car alarm system
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