Domotic SystemDomotic Console that integrates without restrictions the house to communicate and to control the different elements like: lights, sensors, alarms, appliances, digital thermostats, . . . ASSISTANCE AREAS: - Security- Comfort- Energy SavePERFORMS: 1. Intrusion detection2. Detection flee gas, smoke, fire and it dilutes3. Electro-valves general supply, cut, water and gas4. Interruption electric supply5. Automation of blinds6. On / off air conditioning / heating7. Detection of presence. (on / off lights) 8. Sos for phone call------------------------------------------------------------------------------Functions by means of control console> Video Intercom Doorbell> communication of events by means of calls to 8 different telephones> service of automatic answering machine with call deviation to fixed / mobile> control of programming of the air conditioning / heating> control of blinds by means of keyboard, telephone or pc> reception of calls> opening and closing of blinds in the event of emergency for fire> voice services; calendar, messages, and warning of events> it tariffs night> electronic secretary> alarm clock> voice mailbox> calendar
Domotic System
Domotic Console that integrates without restrictions the house to communicate and to