Professional alarm package with VdS tested detectorsUnbeatable equipment and value formoney! This complete package includeseverything you need to install a complete,professional alarm system. Eight alarmzones and one sabotage zone allow continuousprotection of the object.Alarm panelThe heart of the system is the processor-controlledTerxon S alarm panel. This is where all ofthe information comes together, where you haveeverything under control.DetectorsFor monitoring rooms, you have two VdS testedinfrared motion detectors available which, witha 90 grade spread and a 15 m range, can covereven larger rooms. Doors and windows areprotected with the 5 opening detectors. Thesecan be used as built-in or built-on magneticcontacts and give an alarm as soon as a door orwindow is opened.AlarmThis aluminium alarm assembly, with flash light,is impressively well protected against manipulationand makes an extremely loud noise.AccessoriesThe key switch enables remote control of thestation using a key. Also included is a 7 Ah VdSemergency battery that maintains security whenthere is a power failure. 5 VdS soldered distributorsand the 50 m installation cable makethe system easy to install. A clear connectiondiagram is included to ensure that the wiringcan t go wrong.
Professional alarm package with VdS tested detectors
Unbeatable equipment and value for
money! T