Finally! You deserve to protect and save your investment with the only smart& computerized anti-theft alarmSystem specially designed to be yourLaptops& notebooks bodyguard 24 hours a day!It also protect all your sporting goods! Go to www. Antitheftbike. Com to see how it works and all the features!Featuring 2 outstanding options:Anti-false alarm& auto-armament!Plus 2 powerful sirens for your extreme safetyand a double use!Yes, it protects your goods andYourself as a personal alarm!Anti-false alarms optionThe anti-theft& personal portable alarm system is capable to eliminate false alarms in case of accidental shocks, by warning with a super loud single beep signal that the object is protected, instead of triggering off the alarm siren.After the warning signal, if your goods is still moving, the system will trigger the blasting horn of the siren for 15 second and start to check and warn and trigger the blasting horn of the siren again and again as long as your goods is moving.Auto - armament option is available as an example, for the parents willing to protect their child's goods.Here is how it works: Once selected, this option will automatically arm the system, if there is no movement or vibration on the goods since the last 15 seconds.At this time, if the user doesn't want the armament, all he has to do is move the object and the countdown stop immediately and the system start to monitor any movement again. The countdown can be set-up for up to 2 minutes delay. This will be helpful to many people and applications.For example: Many parents will buy a portable alarm system to protect their child's bicycle. However, like the padlock, they never know if the child take the time to arm or lock his bicycle. Observations made by myself on my children's bicycle, tell me that they don't! This is why i programmed this option on my anti-theft& personal portable alarm system.This is the insurance that you will always have your investment protected!Nobody on the portable alarm system industry can guarantee you this huge 24 hours a day protection!Double alarm sirenBelieve it or not, i could not accept that my anti-theft& personal portable alarm system could be muffle with one hand, like all the other portable alarm systems on the market!The sound is coming out from both end and all around the both ends!Once again, nobody else is offering such a high quality& efficient portable alarm system on the market!Keyless operation, more then 16,000 possible codesThick anti - shock casingIt will resist to the hammer, pair of pliers, etc...All weather operationNo electro-mechanism contact eliminating possible corrosionThe anti-theft& personal portable alarm system can also be use as a personal alarm protection unit.
Finally! You deserve to protect and save your investment with the only smart& computerized anti-thef