Exposing Hidden Camera, Bug can detect the micro wave of 2.4GHZ wireless camera up to about 10 meters
Detect RD Wireless signal, from frequency 100-3GHz
Detect hidden camera, pin-holes camera, video camera too
Protect yourself when you can in hotel, motel, Dress-changing, fitting room, Lav and Loo etc
Idea for bringing this device for holiday, business trip
Small, light and portable for traveling
Press "A" is for detect long-distance. When wireless cameras are detected, the indicator light will be bright with warning sounds
Press "B" is for short-range detection. When radio waves detected, the indicator light will be bright with warning sounds
To find the precise launch / receiver, antenna can be shortened, press the B button continued, if it closes to launch / reception source (wave power will be stronger), the indicator light will be
bright with warning sounds
Detect the hidden camera
Distance: 1~10m
Dimensions: 97 x 36 x 13 mm(L x W x H)
Weight: 32g
Anti-Spy Wireless Signal Hidden Camera RF Detector 2.6G