Enigma II Digital Alarm Receiver

Standard Features

to PWR2 Power Card
ThePower Card supplies the power for the other Cards in the receiver. Itrequires 16.5 VAC from a 115 or 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz, transformer. ThePower Card is equipped with automatic battery charger and backupbattery connections. In case of AC failure the Power Card automaticallyswitches to backup battery power. The backup battery capacity can bebetween 7 and 15 Ah. The Power Card supervises the presence of thebattery and the battery capacity and the current status is reported tothe CPM Unit.

The ENIGMA IIDR-81000 Digital Receiver is compatible with the most commonly usedautomation software packages. The receiver has been tested to work withthe following software:


TheENIGMA II DR-81000 is a multi-line, multi-format digital receiver forcommercial fire and burglary monitoring. The standard unit consists ofa CPM Central Processing Card, two LC Line Cards and a PWR Power Card.With additional Line Cards, the receiver can be enabled to monitor upto 8 telephone lines. The ENIGMA II DR-81000 can receive and decodemost of the popular and commonly used communication formats. SeeAppendix B. for details

The ENIGMA II DR-81000 stores all eventswith time and date stamped. All information is displayed on the largeLCD screen, and the events may be printed and/or forwarded to acomputer. To ensure security, all programming functions, including theadjustment of the real time clock and date is password protected.

CPM2 Card
TheCentral Processing Unit (CPM2) controls the operation of the receiver.The CPM Unit incorporates two serial ports, a high-speed USB port, andan Ethernet interface for computer connection and one parallel printerport. The CPM Unit has two external inputs, one for externalacknowledge, and one for tamper recognition. The CPM Unit alsoincorporates two programmable outputs, which can be programmed tofollow different receiver status.

The CPM Unit features a2000-event non-volatile memory buffer. The contents of the buffer maybe browsed on the LCD screen. If the printer or computer is off-line,the CPM2 Card will store the incoming events in its buffer, and willautomatically forward them, when the connection restores.

TheCPM2 controls the large graphical LCD display of the receiver, whichenables it to implement unique, user friendly features like changeabledisplay font sizes, full line card control, and easy-to-use manualprogramming.

LC2 Line Cards
Each Line Card(LC2) can monitor a telephone line. The Line Cards contain a 500-eventevent memory to record events and caller information. CallerIdentification capability is built-in and the telephone number of thecalling party can be displayed, printed, stored in memory and forwardedto the automation computer. The Line Cards also support the 2-way audiolisten-in.

The Line Cards are continuously supervised by the CPMUnit to ensure uninterrupted communication. Any trouble conditions areimmediately reported on the LCD screen and printer and/or forwarded tothe computer. The Line Card also verifies the communication with theCPM Unit. In case of CPM malfunction the operator will be advised withan audible indication and the Line Cards will continue to function instand-alone mode - it will continue receiving events and store them inits buffer. The events will be forwarded to the CPM Unit after theconnection restores.

RC2 Radio Receiver Card (option)
TheRadio Receiver Card,presently being developed by FSK electronics (SouthAfrica ) will allow all FSK transmitters signals to be received andstored in the event buffer. Other Suppliers, Namley RDC and QD  haveexpressed an interest in doing likewise.

ENIGMA II DR-81000 DIGITAL RECEIVER is a multi-line, multi-format digital receiver for commercial fire and burglary monitoring.

  • Country:South Africa
  • telephone:27-21-701 7777
ENIGMA II DR-81000 DIGITAL RECEIVER is a multi-line, multi-format digital receiver for commercial fire and burglary monitoring.
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