The signalling transmission of wireless security systems is fairly easy and does not take long to install. Normally, it can be installed after the construction of the building has been
completed.Due to the fact that the protected area can extend 10 km from WL-501 wireless security system, is sometimes called the Village Alarm System. The computer monitor can be effectively
connected to 256 main control consoles.This security system uses 2048 wireless transmitters that cover an wide area with precise and excellent results.In windows environment, it is much easier to
operate.The system also has special password set-up function to prevent anyone from misusing the system.One is able to choose his own favourite way of screen display, pre-recorded emergency
broadcast messages.When an unusual event occurs, the computer monitor automatically shows the floor layout map and the specific location of the event. At the same time, the emergency broadcasting
system will be turned on and the information of the person in charge of the problem zone will be shown on the monitor.The use of modem helps transmit any information or images about the event to
pre-specified outside computer sources.The computer can also display the details of emergency events in any time interval for recording or printing purposes.WL-501 Wireless Security System can be
connected to the camera to monitor the actual site. In the event of emergency, one is able to see what is happening from the monitor