UL Listed
8-Zone LED Display
Annunciates Zone Alarms, Supervisory and Trouble Conditions
Surface or Semi-flush Installation
4-Wire Connection to LW-401 *Supervised)
Field Programmable
2 Remote Annnciators per LW-401
Crafted in the U.S.A.
Fire Alarm Remote Annunciator/LWRA-8B/8W
The Faraday Remote LED Annunciator, LWRA-8B/
8W is designed to be used with the LW-401 Alarm
Control Panel. The eight-point annunciator contains
sixteen LEDs for the display of alarm, supervisory
or trouble conditions by zone.
The LED can be located in the building lobby or in
a protected area. In its normal mode of operation,
all LEDs are off. In the event of an alarm, a red LED
will light to indicate which device or zone is in
alarm. To report troubles (i.e., removal of a detector
head), the corresponding yellow LED will light.
Supervisory conditions are annunciated by the
corresponding amber zone LED. The left most LED
is a bi-color device, which illuminates red for zone
alarm conditions and amber for supervisory zones.
The Remote Annunciator may be tested by using
the Lamp Test Feature in the LW-401 test mode.
Annunciators perform the important service of
pinpointing the location of the alarm device or the
zone from which an alarm originates.
Upon actuation of an initiating zone, the corresponding
Alarm/Supervisory LED will light red.
Each additional actuated zone will light its corresponding
When a supervisory circuit changes state to offnormal,
the alarm/supervisory LED will light amber.
When an initiating circuit goes into trouble, the
yellow zone trouble LED will light. The Remote
Annunciator can be tested using the Lamp Test
feature of the Control Panel to indicate proper
functioning of the LEDs.
These annunciators are field programmable at the
time of installation. The dip switch address must
be set and the LW-400 configured for use of the
LED via the program mode in the control panel.
Technical Specifications
Input Power
24 VDC
Operating Current
10mA (Alarm LEDs only)
54mA (All LEDs lit)
Operating Temperature
UL Listed
8-Zone LED Display
Features UL Listed 8-Zone LED Display |