The EC61 is a stand alone gas detector with a high sensitivity sensor for the detection of gas concentration. The stand alone gas detector is available in two models. EC61 for use on natural gas
detection and the EC62 used for LPG and cylinder liquid gas.Pre-alarm LED signal when below the L.E.L Internal audible alarm Automatic gas solenoid valve shut off Continual sensor diagnostic tests
Fault indication Mute override for 10 minutes Insulated shock resistant enclosure Complies with UNI CEI 70028 standards IMQ homologation 230v 50Hz When gas is present well below the L.E.L(lower
explosion limit) the gas detector will enter the pre- alarm state with LED indication. The audible alarm and gas solenoid valve shut down will be delayed to avoid false alarm situations. Once the
predetermined gas concentration level has been reached the gas detector will go into full alarm. This will have both audible and visual alarms, within the gas detection unit, also activating the
gas solenoid valve to close.