GSM-x410PS is a 4-zone protection and control console for Home Protection, with integrated GSM module.Gsm-x410JPS may be used to protect various sites as well as to remotely control various
equipment with the means of DTMF instructions or SMS. Gsm-x410JPS has an integrated AC-DC converter; it may charge a standard battery with capacity 7Ah. In the case of alarm, the unit starts a
siren and may call or send SMS to five preprogrammed users. The SMS shows the user the number of the violated zone as well as the number of times the sensor was triggered. System
activation/deactivation is available remotely and is cost free! The system is activated with a brief call to the GsmAlarm. In order to deactivate the system, call and wait for some time: after 3-4
tones the system is deactivated
gsm alarm
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