HAMELION is a local microwaveprotective volumetric detector. The purpose of the detector is to protect theperimeter sectors, open and closed grounds, storehouses, tunnels. The detectionzone is divided into 15 cross-cut sub bands with the possibility of thedisconnection of one or some of them. It provides the zones organization ofapproved passages, i.e. for peoples passages through the checkpoint or forthe transport passage through the gates. The detection zone division into thesub bands has permitted to increase the interference to birds, small animalsand the influence of the weather conditions for comparison with othermonostatic microwave detectors. Parameters of the detection zone depend on thefollowing modification: VOLUME: length-40m, width-25 m, height-25 m; BLIND:length-50 m; width-5 m; height-25m; FAN: length-50 m; width-25 m; height-5 m;operating frequency: 9, 35 GHz supply voltage: 1030 V; operatingtemperature: -40+65 C.
HAMELION is a local microwave protective volumetric detector. The purpose of the detector is to protect the perimeter sectors, o
HAMELION is a local microwave protective volumetric detector. The purpose of the detector is to protect the perimeter sectors, o |