Yours Cordially.
We Are Interested In Maintaining A Good Business Relationship With You, Therefore Hoping To Be Always In Touch.
If You Require Any Further Information Regarding Our Manufacturing Activities Please Do Not Hesitate To Write Of Call Us On The Above Office Number. If There Are Any Urgent Enquiries, You Can Fax Us On 9122-25645092 OR EMAIL; Same day Will Be Attended Your enquiries Other Day.
Our network of more than 20 distributors in the Asia Pacific, Middle East, Europe, the African continent, assures our customers of fast, efficient delivery of AFFC products. Our major INDIAN clients are RELIANCE, CIPLA, BPCL,HPCL,ONGC, NTPC, Indian OIL, Indian Airlines, Gas Authority of India, Indian Army etc. We assure you that quality of our materials are of very high standard and offer prompt delivery against receipt of your esteemed order.
We would like to introduce ourselves as one of the leading and largest Manufacturers in india, most varied types and standards of high quality FIRE HYDRENT VALVE,SB UNDERGROUND VALVE, BS Hose Couplings, BS Branchpipes Nozzles,BS ADAPTORS., Hand Operated , Electric And Battery Operated Sirens, Leather Belt, Pouch, Triple Purpose Navy Diffuser, WATER & FOAM Monitor, Dry Riser, Equipments Etc
Fire Fighting Equipments Division can be described as one integral unit comprising of Foundry, Machine Shop, Painting shop, Inspection and testing department. The factory is equipped with state of the art machineries such as Shell Moulding facility,
ARIHANT FIRE FIGHITNG CO. Company with its World Headquarters at MUMBAI, is the largest fire fighting equipment manufacturing company in the INDIA. It is committed to providing the most comprehensive and reliable fire fighting equipment and services to protect lives and properties. Our customers are assured of the best from design, manufacturing to delivery, installation and service.
Good Quality And Low Price. . .