SPECIFICATIONSDetector:2, 3 or 4-gas detectorsAuto zero:YesCalibration:AutomaticBacklight:Low light (auto); alarm conditions (auto) and on demandSensors:Plug-in electrochemical cells (H2S/CO TWIN
TOX, O2); catalytic bead (LEL)Field options:Confidence beep, pass code protection, latching alarms, calibration due date, "SAFE" display function, combustibles selection, sensor enable/disable.
-DL2 models only: set real-time clock and calendar, sampling rateALARMS INDICATORS:Clearly advises alarm levels both audibly and visuallyVisual alarms:Two flashing alarm bars visible from all
angles LCD advises gas present and alarm level encountered Audible alarm: High output, variable pulsed dual beepers 95 dB at 1 ft. / 0.3 mVibrator alarm:Pulses warning in all gas alarm conditions
and status alarmsALARM LEVELS/TYPES:All gases: Instant Low; Instant High Toxic Gases (H2S and/or CO): TWA (time-weighted average) and STEL (short-term exposure level).Other alarms:Low battery and
missing sensor alarmsLCD DISPLAY:Large, continuous, alphanumeric gas readout and status display Gases monitored: H2S (0-100 ppm range); CO (0-500 ppm range); O2, (0-25% v/v range); combustibles
(0-100% LEL or 0-5.0% v/v methane) TWA and STEL ppm: Records STEL and TWA exposures and displays readings on demand Peak ppm, %LEL or % v/v: Records peak exposure to gas and displays on demand
Setpoints: Displayed on activation (auto)TESTSFull function self-test:On activation (auto) verifies: sensor and circuitry integrity and activates audible/visual/vibrator alarmsBattery:Continuous
(auto)GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS:Rugged, composite material with integral concussion-proof bootOperating temperature:-4 to +122