Delivering enhanced protection for the human operator, the MROV is wellsuited to high-risk, demanding environments including Improvised Device Disposal (IEDD) and Conventional Munitions
Disposal (CMD). Exceptionally versatile,Guardian can deploy a range of weapons and tools to carry out hazardous tasks quickly and safely. Easily controlled from a briefcase-style base station and
TFT screen " Compact and lightweight for ease of deployment " Class-leading versatility; Guardians small footprint and flexibility allow operation in a variety of terrains and environments " Track
module positioning provides extensive manoeuvrability and stability in challenging situations including obstacle climbing, stair climbing, and confined space navigation " Extending and
multi-jointed arm provides reach over obstructions and in confined spaces such as aircraft overhead lockers " Innovative payload head enables simple articulation and positioning of the payload
against the chosen target " Multi-camera picture-in-picture video system optimises visibility and situational awareness during vehicle manoeuvring and payload deployment " Proportional joystick
control for precision operation " Adaptable for special environments, can incorporate user specified or bespoke accessories