The GSM Alarm BackUp is a universal interface that can be connected toany alarm panel increasing the level of security and redundancy of thereporting of events to a Central Station.
This high performance GSMbackup device provides an alternate path for the dialler to reportalarm signals in case the phone line is faulty or compromised by adeliberate act of sabotage . The alarm
signal can be sent via the GSMnetwork. Further alarm messages will automatically be sent
via the GSM network until the PSTN phone line is restored enabling continued monitoring and communications.
GSM Alarm BackUp may be used with any types of alarm systems, maintaining audible data transfering protocols:
System is quadband and can be operable in any GSM network.
Full ready system with steel Tampered 12V 1A Power Supply
GSM Alarm BackUp for 24H alarm monitoring stations
gsm alarm
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