Fonar is amicrowave detector designed to fit in garden lamps. The detector doesnt differfrom the lamp. It is impossible to define that it is used as an intrusiondetector. Alarms are generated using dry contacts of the relay or overRS-485. Light is switched on/off with a built-in automatic module reacting tothe change of day light; at the same time power supply of the detector is notswitched off. Optional equipment is not required to adjust the detector becauseadjustment is carried out using built-in indicators. The detector has thefollowing characteristics: zone length - 1075 m; zone width - 13 m; zoneheight - 1, 53 m; frequency - 9, 45 GHz; temperature- -40+65C; power source- 220V AC.
Fonar is a microwave detector designed to fit in garden lamps.
Fonar is a microwave detector designed to fit in garden lamps. |