The TTASIM has been designed for use with TraceTek sensing cables, point sensors and normally open, dry contact devices (float switch, pressure or vacuum switch, optical probe with adaptor, limit
switch, etc.) Up to 500 Feet (150 m) of sensor cable can be monitored by the TTASIM.
When liquid is detected, the unit indicates the leak with an LEd and an audible alarm, and switches a relay to provide local voltagefree contact closure. The leak location is measured and can be
communicated to a host monitoring system. No field calibration is required.
The TTASIM can be used as a standalone leak detection alarm unit, or it can be installed in networks with other TraceTek TTASIM, TTSIM, TTNRM or TTDM128 modules. The TTASIM can be configured using
a Microsoft WindowsTM based PC or a TraceTek TTDM128 network master module.