4 Class B (Style B) Initiating Circuits which may be configured as 2 Class A (Style D) circuits. Expandable up to 8 Class B (Style B) or 4 Class A (Style D) Initiating
2 Class A/B (Style Z/Y) Indicating Circuits with individual trouble indicators (1.7 Amps max. per circuit). Expandable up to 4 Class A/B (Style Z/Y) Indicating Circuits.
Each Indicating Circuit can be configured as Silenceable or Non-Silenceable. Audibles may be configured as Steady, Temporal Code, California Code or March Time.
Output for RTI or Remote Annunciators of 24 VDC, 300 mA max, unfiltered
Built-in Walk Test operation
Auxiliary relay contacts for Common Alarm, Common Trouble and Common Supervisory. If no Supervisory circuits are enabled, the Supervisory relay becomes a second alarm relay.
6 Amp power supply
Easy configuration via DIP switches
HCP-204E 4-Zone Expandable Fire Alarm Control Panel