Meet Industrial specification One long range 4-button FM 2-way LCD display remote control 2-Way communication with the vehicle Passive arming door lock on/off Ignition on/off with door lock/unlock
Silent Alarm for Pager Auto rearming 45 seconds arming delay Passive engine disable No false alarm circuit Car finder Panic Valet mode Anti hijack Channel 2 ( trunk release ), Channel 3 and Channel
4 for more options Arming / Shock Sensor by-pass Range check Remote start Diesel engine function on/off & timer delay Countdown timer Engine warm up timer RPM / DC / Tachless sensing Cranking
timing Blower motor action Parking light output status when engine started Idle mode High gain receiver to get more range Dual-zone with one adjustment shock sensor High sensitivity 6 Tone / 20
Watts siren
lcd display
with lcd display
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