Modern micro chip adopted which makes it alarm on time, high accuracy and reliability,
flexible volume and easy installation. It features power saved, low battery warning,
non-false alarm. Widely used for rolling door, shutter door, garage door.
1. Triggered distance :< 6 cm
2. Working voltage12V DC, with dry battery model:23A
3. Working current
Wireless rolling (shutter) detector
Brand Name: | unique vision |
How to buy rolling shutter machine In the selection of materials should consider more lightweight, durable materials, so that even in special circumstances can play a higher security. The purchase of rolling door motor is also an important part. Remember not to feel that the ...
S281 LoRa gateway is data acquisition device based on Lora, 4G and Ethernet communication technologies. One LoRa gateway can collect data from 50 wireless Lora nodes, and the communication distance can reach 2000 meters. It is an optimal solution for data collection within the ...
Come From BLIIOT
How to buy rolling shutter making machine In the selection of materials should consider more lightweight, durable materials, so that even in special circumstances can play a higher security. The purchase of rolling door motor is also an important part. Remember not to feel that ...