The ZF-AB is a traditional fire alarm bell, of ruggedconstruction,producing a clear ringing sound for many years associatedwith firedetection and alarm systems. The unit is reliable, well provenand
hasbeen used extensively as a general purpose alarm sounder.
Stylishin appearance, the bell features a 150 mmdiameter (6 ins), red, stoveenamelled gong, making it suitable foreither new installations oftraditional design, additions to existingsystems, or in
buildings whereelectronic sounder devices are used tosignal other emergencies.
Thebell can be easily installed in any type oflocation, fixed to astandard conduit box or mounted directly onto awall or partition. Amultifixing back plate presents four large 2.5 mmsq. wiring
terminals,two (in and out) for the 24 volt positive and two(in and out) for the24 volt negative, enabling all wiring to becompleted, prior to the bellgong assembly being fitted.
Operation is based on a highefficient, motorised,striker movement, developing in excess of 93 dBAat 1 metre. With acurrent consumption of only 25 mA, the ZF-AB enablesa large number ofbells to be
driven from relatively small controlpanels.
Compatible with all ZC conventional panels ZF-ABbellsencorporate polarising diodes in order to provide monitoring ofsounderwiring for both open and short circuit faults.
Soundoutput frequency complies with the recommendationsof BS 5839 Pt1:1988.The unit provides a distinctive tone and excellentattenuation throughmost building structures, enabling sound levels of65
dBA to be achieveduniformly throughout the protected premises,using the minimum number ofsounders.
Rated at IP 41, the motorised bell is suitable for installation in most commercial and industrial indoor applications.
The ZF-AB is part of the comprehensive range of ZC conventional alarm sounder devices.
152mm (D)x 63mm (H)
105g (with deep base)
Application: Indoors or outdoors with deep base
Operating voltage: 24 volts DC
EN60529 rating: With deep base IP41.
Temp range -250C to +800C
- Traditional sound output
- Low current consumption
- Motorised striker movement
- Multifixing back plate