NiceCAll Focus a complete one-box solution is designed to make the most out of your investment by providing a full-featured system with low maintenance requirements.
NiceCalll Focus is the unmatched result of combining the strong NiceLog technology, the top-selling voice recorder in the industry, and Wordnets extensive deployment in public safety.
NiceCall Focus is a robust and reliable voice recording solution, especially designed to meet public safety needs of small-to-medium size sites. Combined with user-friendly and easy-to-use applications, it is the most powerful solution in the market.
While PSAP staff are working intensively taking emergency calls, communicating with police, fire or medical forces on scene, you can rest assured all the interactions going through the PSAP telephone switch, and through the radio system, are being recorded.
Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) require a record of every emergency interaction. Emergency calls from any person, radio transmission between public safety forces in the field, or any other interaction need to be reliably recorded and stored for multiple reasons, such as court evidence records, debriefing or training your call takers and dispatchers. For every reason requiring audio replay, NICE offers a simple operation system NICECall Focus.
Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) require a record of every emergency interaction.
Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) require a record of every emergency interaction. |