The XVD Enterprise SD-TX150 (the Encoder) is a DSP-powered device for digitally encoding and transmitting audio/video (A/V) content from analog sources. The XVD-encoded content is packaged into
Ethernet packets and transmitted to the destination decoder. Suitable A/V sources include:
Analog cameras
Set-Top Boxes (cable, satellite, personal video recorder)
DVD Players
The encoder can transmit a single A/V stream to an XVD Decoder for re-broadcast. Suitable decoders include:
SD-RX150 Decoder
SD/HD-RX2000 Decoder
HD-RX2500 Decoder
This document explains operation and features of the XVD Enterprise SD-TX150.
The XVD Enterprise SD-TX150 (the Encoder) is a DSP-powered
Introduction The XVD Enterprise SD-TX150 (the Encoder) is a DSP-powered |