In simple terms it is an electronic system for the capture of photographic images and the transmission of these to another location for viewing &/or recording. The most basic CCTV system will
consist of cameras and a television monitor; but most will also include a recording device, typically a video recorder but increasingly a more versatile digital disk recorder.
A basic CCTV system may act as a general deterrent to crime; but unless it is being watched continuously, is only able to provide recorded evidence of events discovered or suspected some time after
they occurred. If a CCTV system is to play an effective role in security outside business hours, it is usually necessary for the system to be activated by some form of alarm detector , which will
initiate the transmission of live images to a manned monitoring post, e.g. a security lodge/gatehouse or a Remote Video Response Centre (RVRC).
Monitoring of CCTV systems allows security operatives to view events and arrange an appropriate response. It should be noted that there is a British Standard for detector activated remote monitored
CCTV, namely BS 8418
Any application where heating is a requirement solar heating is a possible alternative.
Common Applications for CCTV
A CCTV system can be put to many uses. Listed below are some of the security related
Access Control
Deterrence Detection/response |