The FMS 1 uses the pulse-modulated technique to measure chlorophyll fluorescence emission from samples under ambient illumination conditions, whilst they are engaged in photosynthesis. The system
comprises a mains-powered control unit which houses all of the electronics and light sources required from measurement of most commonly used parameters. The light sources include: 594 nm amber
modulating beam Optional 470 nm blue LED Dual-purpose halogen actinic 0 to 3,000 ?molm-2s-1 in 50 steps Saturating pulse lamp -0 to 20,000 ?molm-2s-1 in 100 steps. 735 nm far-red LED source for
preferential PSI excitation. A custom fibre-optic interface optically links the control unit to the sample. Accessory fibre-optic adapters ensure compatibility with the complete range of Hansatech
oxygen electrode products for simultaneous oxygen and fluorescence measurements from chloroplasts, algal suspensions, macroalgae or leaf-discs. An optional PAR / Temperature leafclip is available
for more comprehensive analysis of environmental conditions. PIN photodiode with >700 nm filte