Network (Ethernet) connection of contact-free card is made simple. The contact-free card (RFID card) contains a memory area where data can be read/write freely and each card also contains a unique
fixed ID number. Since I/O ports available are 4 inputs (TTL level) and 4 outputs (photo MOS relay), opening-and-closing control of an electronic lock door and input surveillance of a point of
contact can also be performed. The RFID card with a frequency of 125kHz is used, with 1kbit of read/write memory and an additional 64bits of read-only-memory occupied by the RFID serial number and
identification number. RFID card comes in the same size and thickness of a credit card and very convenient to carry. With built-in RTC (Real Time Clock), time manegement is also possible. Control
by TCP socket communication. A maximum of 100 logs can be recorded from the read RFID card.