Vega? X1 is the entry-level set-top, designed by the Paolo Villa Studio, ideal for SOHO - Small Office Home Office - environments. Completely interoperable with Unified Communication platforms, it
guarantees professional performance over IP (2Mbps) and ISDN networks for high-quality videoconferencing. CompactThe best solution for small or home offices and small businesses Affordable Easy to
ConfigureEasy and immediate features for a high-quality videoconferencing Supports multiple connectivityAvailable for connections up to 128 kbps over ISDN BRI* and 2Mbps over IP, both for H.323 or
SIP networks The Desktop Conferencing SolutionInteroperable with Microsoft? Office Communications 2007, it is the best price-performance ratio solution for Unified Communication. Multilingual
interfaceSupports 19 different languages including Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Arabic. Quality, Design, InnovationItalian design and use of eco compatible materials make it a elegant and
environmentally friendly system.