Allow clients of various Network environments, including wireless through
conversion of file format and protocols
The client PC automatically connects to the server which is already set as a
second priority when the client connects. This happens if Relay Sever trouble
occurs in the case of-installed multi relay server
It can reduce load to image device and buffering wait time by being located
between image device and client
real time image transmission and configuration for stable Network system
Considered a terminal for Network environment and System and easy to adjust
the number of flexible clients
It enables the construction of a Network Surveillance System of a multi-to-multi type by image compression and voice data to multi-clients in image devices (DVR, Video Server, VOD Server etc). Time
and cost can be saved by the Relay Server which provides a suitable solution with low-price and high-stability in the user's environment.
Additionally, even if the user cannot connect to the server which they want to monitor, it automatically can connect according to set second priority without rebooting, because it already provides
the stable network for remote user.
Also it performs as an operation server which manages the storage needs of the network.
The Relay Server performs a multi terminal function in a small volume management system which needs the central management of a server to reduce loads on a network when multi-users connect simultaneously.
Relay Server