he control equipment in each region recognizes offending vehicles and the traffic situation. It transfers the data to the central information center via the public network. The central computer processes the transferred data and records the offending vehicles as well as issues a violation notice
Since providing Vehicle Enforcement System to Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency in 1992, Oriental Electronics System has supplied the vehicle enforcement system to Incheon, Geonggido, ChungcheongNamdo, ChungcheongBukdo, Busan, JeollaNamdo and KyungsangBukdo Regional Offices of National Police Agency. We have played an important role in erasing the country's image as the country with the highest rate of traffic accidents and in reducing damage to humans and physical resources. We were also granted certification for the first time in nation in all areas of speed violation, bus exclusive lane violation , signal violation and etc.
Digital Image Processing -> Automatic recognizing the violated vehicle plate number -> Transferring data to the main center of National Police Agency -> Checking the vehicle record -> Issuing a violation notice .
Stationary Vehicle Enforcement System
Model : Top Cam 2000
Stationary Vehicle Enforcement System has the been intensively invested (20%~30% of annual sales since 1988). As an outcome of this investment, this intelligent stationary vehicle enforcement
system has been upgraded from the existing camera style and is able to carry out both signal violation and speed violation monitoring at the same time. As an integrated system, it processes all of
the general functions needed for traffic enforcement in the following steps:
Stationary Vehicle Enforcement System
Model : Top Cam 2000