TEDAS, is a next generation sensor network system designed forintrusiondetection along the perimeter of important facilities. TEDASprovidesa robust, pactical, reliable and cost effective solution.
TEDAScan beinstalled on to any kind of fence.
InTEDAS, a SenseNode equiped with a vibration sensor is mounted onfencein every 10-20 meters. is a wireless sensor node developed by Genetlab.
is resilient against the weather conditions. It detects threats liketrying to cut the fence, getting over the fence by climbing or gettingunder it by lifting up. The detected signal would be
transmittedthrough a wireless network to the command and control software . can analyze the signal with 99% accuracy and localize a threat with 5meter accuracy and send an alarm to a computer
and/or a mobile phone.
The command and control software , provides a user friendly monitoring and management interface. Every can work with its own battery and can also be tethered to a power unitsupported by a solar
panel to charge its battery. It can filter thenoises like a ball that hits the fence or a person that leans to thefence. Key characteristics of TEDAS are listed below:
- Next generation wireless sensor network technology
- High reliability
- Effective installation
- Easy to set up
- Cost effective design
- +/- 5 meter accuracy in localization
- Real time alarm warning
TEDAS, is a next generation sensor network system designed for intrusion detection along the perimeter of important facilities.