It answers automatically to the Videochiamate * It transmits in directed the images on any Videofonino * ZOOM types them 3x/6x to highest quality * Supplied illuminator infrared to 3 led in
equipment * Completely independent, inner battery + 220V * Objective CCD to High Definition and High Audio Sensibility * MicroSD Card for the recording of the resumed films * Attivabile Vivavoce at
a distance cellular way - Usable with any operator Tim, Vodafone, Three, Wind or other - It directly transmits the images on cellular the Umts calls that it in Videochiamata - Television camera CCD
to high definition with interchanging optical, Microphone to high infrared sensibility and Illuminator Module EBT is first device UMTS pre-programmato in a position to directly transmitting the
images on the cellular UMTS. In order to visualize in direct the films resumed and transmitted is sufficient to compose the number of I telephone of the brokerage house inserted Card and to attend
its riposta automatic. The films can be receipts are on the display of a any Videofonino and at the same time recorded in its MicroSD inner Card. Module EBT can be fed with the battery from 3,6V or
to 220V with the local p0wer source supplied in equipment. Ideal device for being integrated in other equipment
The first Module endowed Embedded UMTS of Television camera CCD + Audio