FS-Thermoscan is a measuring device to detect differences in temperatures of the environment. So it can identify cold and warm areas of a field and conclusions concerning hidden objects and
structures are possible. FS-Thermoscan is usable as a stand-alone device or can be connected to the Earth Imager eXp 4000. In that way it is even possible to get 3d graphics out of the measure
Possible applications arethe detection of cavities (caves, tunnels, chambers, chests, ...),
the visualization of the distribution of temperatures as well as
the measurement if differences in temperatures.
The FS-Thermoscan stands up for its usage and compact design. Create high resolution 3d graphics of the underground by measuring the differences in temperature on the surface of the ground.
Because of the integrated laser pointer pinpointed measurements are possible. The device works contactless and therefore a field can also be researched from far distances. This is an important
advantage if the field is impassable by the searcher.
Infrared technology for detecting underground cavities and voids.