Flexible solutions for P / T / Z, Speed Dome cameras:
1) Optical / Electronic-mechanical integration and for multi zoom cameras
2) State of the art integration with robotic mechanism and excellent electronics / software
3) Components, core module to complete products, meet customers' needs
1) Application:
A) Standard Speed Dome camera frame
B) P / T / Z canmera frame
C) IP Speed Dome camera frame
D) Auto tracking Speed Dome frame
( customers demand available)
2) Camera: (suitable for various cameras)
A) Sony zoom camera (FCB-EX series)
B) Samsung zoom camera (SDM330 30X)
C) CNB zoom camera series
D) LG zoom camaera series
E) YOKO zoom camera series
F) Mintron zoom camera series
Others. . . (user demand)
3) Frame: (adaptive to various housing)
A) Communication: RS485
B) Protocol: Pelco-D, others (Option)
C) Pan Travel: 360deg. (continuous)
D) Tilt Travel: -10deg. ~ 90deg.
E) Manual: 0. 02deg. / sec. ~ 150deg. / sec. (various
F) Recall Speed: 360deg. / sec.
G) Flip Speed: 360deg. / sec.
H) Dwell Time: 2 ~250 sec.
I) Preset Position: 128 Points (4 Groups)
J) Motion Tours: 1) Auto Pan, 2) Auto Scan (between 2 points) , 3) Circle Round (v arious speeds by setting)
K) ID Addr. : 1 ~ 63 (allowed extend to 255)
L) Power: DC 12V, AC 24V (Option)
Flexible solutions for
PTZ camera,
Speed Dome cameras,
Solar Tracker