8G : 10-12 hrs
16G : 20-24 hrs
32G : 40-48 hrs
Micro SD availability :
8. Home security
7. Mountain hiker
6. Motorcycle / Bicycle
5. Normal car driver
4. Hospital Ambulance
3. Travel bus or cargo truck
2. Taxi driver
1. Police
Suitable markets :
5. Can also mount it on Bicycle/Motorcycle with an external battery pack, or be a hand-held camcorder.
4. With voice recording function to have joy while watching the move from the trip with family/friend .
3. Record in high quality 720x480 pixel MPEG 4 format to can display on PC monitor/portable MP4 player or TV easily.
2. An evidence recorded in MicroSD which can present to police or court while car accident is happened.
1. Full time recording to MicroSD while driving
Selling points :
when car accident happened, no one would admit of his/her mistake until the evidence presented to the police ... this is the mai
black green color: | 1000pcs |
black blue color: | 1000pcs |