We introduce ourselves as one of the leading manufacturers & Exporting, All kinds of bags, Antique reproduction of Clocks, Promotional Gifts Brass nautical Instruments, Marine items & miscellaneous
items. Our company believes in building a long term relationship with the buyers by providing Quality products, packing and smooth deliveries. This has enabled us to bag repeat orders from our
existing buyers Located worldwide. We are already exporting to USA, & reputed country in bulk but we need more counterparts in your country. I hope we may be able to serve you Our Company believes
in building a long-term relationship with the buyers by providing Quality products, We hope our products will meet your requirements. Further, please visit us at for unlimited gifts and
collectibles, select the items and let us know we will forward the prices or for your convenience we can forward our catalog pages for your kind consideration and approval. if you have any
clarifications about the products, just drop us a line. Thanks and Regards Calvin Handicrafts Export. Qurban ali (CEO) Umar farhan (M.D) Umar Shad (Sales officer) Calvin Handicrafts Export 238 East
Amber Talab Roorkee Uttrakhand- 247667 INDIA PH. NO. 91-1332-267923 FAX. 91-1332-274950 MOB. 91-9897642879