Sprinklers operate all at once, flooding every room in the house.
The Truth: Only a sprinkler directly affected by fire will operate. Other sprinklers in the system will not go off. Cigar smoke and cooking mishaps will not cause the
sprinkler to activate.
Sprinklers will leak.
The Truth: The likelihood that a sprinkler will accidentally discharge because of a manufacturing defect is extremely rare. Sprinkler mishaps are generally less likely
and severe than home plumbing system problems.
Smoke alarms are all you need.
The Truth: Fire sprinklers are the only technology that can automatically control or extinguish a fire. Smoke alarms are essential for every home - including homes with
sprinklers. But smoke alarms are only designed to detect a fire and signal a warning.
Water damage from sprinklers is worse than fire.
The Truth: A sprinkler controls a fire with only a tiny fraction of the water used by fire department hoses. Sprinklers detect fire early, automatically controlling
flames and smoke, and typically limiting damage to a single area. In about 90% of home fires studied, only one sprinkler was necessary to control the fire.
Sprinklers are ugly.
The Truth: Todays home fire sprinklers are inconspicuous-smaller than recessed lighting or smoke alarms. They can be painted by the manufacturer to blend in with custom
interiors. In ceilings sprinklers can even be completely concealed beneath color-matched plates.
Fire Sprinkler